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1 day-old chick

Just a Cluck Away from E. coli

1 day-old chick

When people hear the name E. coli, even a passing familiarity brings about reactions of disgust and fear of food poisoning.  This outright hatred of the common bacteria is, perhaps, a bit unwarranted, considering there are many different types of Escherichia coli.  Not only are there harmful strains, but there are also many that are harmless to humans and some that are even helpful as well.  We actually have our own E. coli that live in our intestines, take some of our nutrients and make essential vitamin K2 for us, which we cannot make for ourselves. Vitamin K is More >

Photograph courtesy of the USDA Forest Service via Wikimedia Commons.

How a Virus Creates Zombie Insects


Photograph courtesy of the USDA Forest Service via Wikimedia Commons.

Kelli Hoover and her research team from the Penn State have found out how a virus can change the behavior of a host organism. The result is destructive for the gypsy moth but excellent for the virus.

Gypsy moths are an invasive species. In its larval stage caterpillars damage roughly a million acres of forest in the U.S. each year by feeding on tree leaves. But the damage would be greater if it weren’t for a pathogen called baculovirus that infects these caterpillars and causes them effectively to engage in suicidal More >